Sooo I found this website that links to this /uses website. It's like a trend for developers where they list their technology stack or things they use for work or day to day production. I decided to create one since it can be useful as well when setting up a new dev computer or work station.
Macbook Pro 14" with M1 Pro chipset - I finally upgraded yay!
- Sublime Text for most of the things (not anymore)
- VS Code mainly
Terminal and Environment
- iTerm2
- oh-my-zsh which is a framework for the z-shell
- tmux for split panels, iterm2 has a built-in but tmux is multi-platform
- I use docker most of the time for easy environment setup
- Spotify to stay sane. My playlists are on the about page
- Firefox because I'm biased.
- Other browsers for testing stuffs
- Ghost
- Vultr (coz it's cheap 😁)
- Amazon SES
- Anki for spaced-repitition review
- subs2srs for generating Anki cards with my favorite Japanese series
- aegisub for adjusting subtitles
Favorite expression at the moment